Random Green Llama.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Club Penguin Celebrates Saint Patrick's Day at the Mine Shack!

Hello Penguins! Feathergreen here with some very important news! I know we have all been feeling down ever since Club Penguin stopped having Saint Patrick's Day parties in Club Penguin. The last Saint Patrick's Day Party happened in 2010, and it was a blast, but now because of the fact that Club Penguin has gotten more worldwide, with Portuguese, Spanish, French, etc., Club Penguin realized that not every penguin around the world celebrated Saint Patrick's Day, so they removed Saint Patrick's Day Parties off of the party list. Well, Club Penguin got a mouthful from other penguins around that time in 2011, when they announced that they are not having a Saint Patrick's Day Party again because of the fact that not everybody around the world celebrated Saint Patrick's Day, so they replaced it with an Igloo Decorating Contest. But the penguins needed a physical award, and not something they have to tear down after it is over. So this year, in 2012, they left a surprise waiting for us at the Mine Shack near the Recycling Center... Yep, they decorated the entire place with shamrocks, clovers, gold, etc. They also left a free item for us, the Gigantic St. Patrick's Day Hat, which can be retrieved by EVERYBODY, INCLUDING NON-MEMBERS, AT THE MINE SHACK. But there is still a problem with this. They are on the right track with the free item thing, but there is one teensy little problem: This is an OLD item. Yeah, the Gigantic St. Patrick's Day Hat was an item that was introduced to the Penguin Style Catalog in March 2009. Man, what is up with all of these old items returning? That's all for now!

Puffle Party '12!

Hello Penguins! Feathergreen here with the highlights of the 2012 Puffle Party! Before we begin, I just want to apologize that I am posting this on the last day of the party because of my tight schedule. On with the highlights! Let's start out with the free items. First, go to the Town to pick up your free Polka Dot Puffle Hat!

Now, to the member's only and special rooms! 

 Let's go to the Puffle Show, which returned again this year, where you can pick up a free Mini Polka Dot Puffle Hat. This room is a member's only room  
 See the camera over there on a tripod? If you stand in front of it, and click the camera, you will receive a free First Prize Puffle Background! Now, let's head on over to the Rooftop. Again, you will need a paid membership to access this room. Pretty sweet, huh? Now, let's go to the Box Dimension near the Beach. This does NOT require a paid membership. You can go to the Beach, go into the purple swirl inside the box, and you will find- WHAT THE-?! This just happens to be the room for the Orange Puffles, and you will find them munching on a bunch of cookies. Also, if you head on down to the Snow Forts, and go through the entrance labeled "Puffle Feeding", you can feed puffles in the famous Puffle Feeding Room! This does NOT require a paid membership. I have saved the best for last. Go to the Ski Lodge, and you will now be in the waiting room of the new Puffle Play Area! This does NOT require a paid membership. Here, you can pick up a Mini Polka Dot Puffle Hat! Also, if you are a member, you can purchase Puffle Costumes! Choose a color that you like, and purchase your costume! Each costume costs $400 each. I got every single costume! :D 


NOTE: I got this picture of off Mimo777's website, Club Penguin Gang, because I accidently forgot to take a picture myself, and I am editing this with my laptop, which does not have a good print screen.

See that door over there? In there, you could go through it, and you will be in the actual Puffle Play Area, where you can transform into one of your puffles! How cool is THAT? Unfortunately, this part of the new room DOES require a paid membership. When you go in, it will ask you to choose a puffle you would like to become. It may look different depending on how well you care for them, and with my tight schedule right now, well, I haven't had time to actually care for them. I think I will choose my Green Puffle, Glowey Now, this is a picture of me inside the Puffle Play Area. Here, only puffles are allowed in here, no penguins! And apparently, I can travel through Club Penguin as a puffle! Don't worry. You are not stuck as a puffle forever. If you go to your player card as a puffle, it will show a picture of your puffle, and a button below it to make you into a penguin again! My favorite room is probably the yellow puffle room in The Lighthouse. Here, you can have a self-portrait done by a Yellow Puffle with your name on it, and a picture of you. The color of your penguin will vary depending on the color of your penguin.  

That's all for now, and enjoy the 2012 Puffle Party!

Quest for the Golden Puffle Returns to the Stage!

Hello Penguins! Feathergreen here with the play Quest for the Golden Puffle returning to the Stage. Check it out! I even found a cheat in the Costume Trunk catalog! Go to the first page, and click on the puffle for a Cloak and Flail for $300. That's all for now!

New March 2012 Better Igloos Catalog!

Hello Penguins! Feathergreen here with the sweet cheats for the new March 2012 Better Igloos catalog! On with the cheats! 1. Go to the second page. Click on the middle shelf in the Red Bookcase for a Red Couch for $500. 2. Go to the next page. Click on the sun in the Sunset Painting for an Easel for $180. 3. Stay on the same page. Click on the pot for the Evergreen Plant for a Potted Palm for $280. That's all for now!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rockhopper's Quest '12 Free Item Switch!

Hello Penguins!

This is Feathergreen with an unusual change. Remember in the post about Rockhopper's Quest 2012 how I mentioned that the free item was a Crew Cap? Well, five days after that post, Club Penguin had mysteriously switched the free item from a Crew Cap, to a Life Vest.

What is strange about this item is that it had originally been a free item when Rockhopper's Ship crashed into an iceberg back in January 2008, and the entire Migrator sunk to the bottom of the ocean. When he arrived on a rowboat, it was parked at the Dock, along with a barrel full of life vests. The reason for the change is unknown

That's all for now!

New March '12 Penguin Style Catalog!

Hello Penguins!

Feathergreen here with the sweet cheats for the new March '12 Penguin Style catalog! This time, the new releases are puffle-themed, and they are just in time for the Puffle Party coming March 15th! On with the cheats!

*please note that because the new releases are puffle-themed, you have to grab the puffle-themed clothing by April 7th, meaning that the puffle-themed clothing will not be in next month's catalog

Because of the fact that all the secret clothing are pom-poms with different colors and they are all priced at $120 each, I will list all of them by page order, followed by the cheat, and the picture

Red Pompoms- Go to the first page, and click on the red penguin's flipper
Orange Pompoms- Stay on the same page, and click on the orange penguin's flipper
Pink Pompoms- Go to the next page, and click on the pink puffle's mouth
Green Pompoms- Stay on the same page, and click on the green penguin's mouth
Blue Pompoms- Go to the next page, and click on the yellow penguin's mouth
Yellow Pompoms- Stay on the same page, and click on the exclamation mark
Purple Pompoms- Go to the next page, and click on the preview penguins' beak
White Pompoms- Stay on the same page, and click on the white puffle's eyes
Brown Pompoms- Go to the next page, and click on the brown puffle's eyes
Black Pompoms- Stay on the same page, and click on the black penguin's flipper