Random Green Llama.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Adventure Party 2011!

Hello Penguins!

Feathergreen here with the highlights of the 2011 Adventure Party! On with the highlights!

Lets start off with some gossip about Rockhopper. You know, tall, red, beard with hat. Well, he LOVES cream soda. As it would turn out, he lost it, and now WE have to find it. Not HIM, WE. I do have a walkthrough video, or to be more correct, FEATHERGLEEN does. It's not yet uploaded, but I WILL have it soon.

Once you have completed the Scavenger Hunt, you get a free The Commander (hat). Available for everybody :D.

Once you're finished with the Scavenger Hunt, head on down to the Hidden Lake to play a game with the crab (not really sure if this is Klutzy). The thing is, the game is members only. The reason for that is because you have to buy this poorly sewn Blue Crab costume for $50. As we all know, only members could buy clothing.

That's all for now!

New July '11 Better Igloos Catalog + New July '11 Igloo Upgrades Catalog!

Hello Penguins!

Feathergreen here with the sweet cheats for the new July '11 Better Igloos catalog along with the new July '11 Igloo Upgrades catalog! On with the cheats!

1. Go to the first page. Click on the brown stripe of the palm tree for a Snappy Shark for $250.

2. Go further two pages. Click on the headrest of the Green Chair for a Green Bench for $500.

BOO! Only TWO cheats? Anyways, onto the Igloo Upgrades catalog!

Go to the first page. Click on the rock of the Mermaid Cove for a Whale's Mouth for $2,700.

What really got me ticked is the opposite page. Check THIS out.

Yup, after three years, the Ship Igloo returned. The reason why I'm ticked off is because MY crusie is unique because it came out BEFORE the Igloo Saver. Now, EVERYBODY is going to open up a public crusie and I'm going to go out of business. No wonder why I'm not getting much people.

That's all for now!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feathergreen's Cruise Getaway Important Announcement

Hello Penguins!

Feathergreen here with an important announcement regarding Feathergreen's Cruise Getaway. Due to auditions for YouTube, the cruise will probably be closed for the rest of the month. Also, nobody is coming, so I may not record every voyage. Sorry for the inconvenience 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New July '11 Penguin Style Catalog!!

Hello Penguins!

Feathergreen here with the sweet cheats for the new July '11 Penguin Style catalog! On with the cheats!

1. Go to the second page AFTER the Choose a New Color page and the Player Card Background page (yes, the background page got moved to the second page of the catalog. Please be aware that there are clearence (last chance to buy) backgrounds are on the second to last page of the catalog)and the first page. Click on the candle on the far left for a set. This set includes:

. The Adventurer (haircut) for $400
. A Foraged Bracelet for $200
. Adventure Facepaint for $50
. Castaway's Clothing for $325

2. Go to the next page. Click on the on the right for The Lookout (haircut) for $200.

BOOOOOOO! Only TWO new cheats! LAME!

That's all for now!